Walk and Bike to School Program in North Natomas

Walk & Bike to School

Great way to start the day

Rides and Resources

Ride Solo or in Groups

Ride Downtown

Here's How

Bike Repair Class North Natomas

Calling all engineers

Fix it yourself!

Vanpool To Work

Special Perk for Drivers

Cycling instructors needed in North Natomas

Teach Kids to Ride

We're hiring!

This is
Jibe Country

Jibe Boundary Map
What is Jibe?

Formerly known as the North Natomas Transportation Management Association or NNTMA, North Natomas Jibe is a nonprofit organization.

Our mission is to empower the North Natomas Community with sustainable transportation choices that reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and advance a thriving community.

Our services, programs, education, and placemaking projects are a community benefit available to all North Natomas residents and businesses. 


Stay up-to-date with Jibe, from travel tips to neighborhood events, we've got the scoop.

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Commuter Resources

Spare the Air
Connect Card
Emergency Ride Home